Monday, November 5, 2007

LBJ Library and Museum

Ever since I got here, I had heard about the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library a lot. Every time I passed by the campus on highway, I could see it. When we finally went, I was so excited and so amazed at all the things they had there. Our trip to LBJ Library has definitely been one of my favorites. While I walked around, I learned so much about LBJ not only as a political leader or the President but also as a philanthropist and family man. As I looked at the different exhibits of the 1960’s, I read about many other influential leaders during that time period. These leaders, along with LBJ, had many leadership qualities that I would like to emulate.

Even as a young man, LBJ displayed his caring and serving personality for the less fortunate. He decided to take a year off from college to take a teaching position in Cotulla, Texas. The children that he taught were poor and Mexican American. LBJ tried to help these kids and what he learned stayed with him his whole life. He said “It never even occurred to me in my fondest dreams that I might have the chance to help these sons and daughters of those students and to help people like them all over the world. But now I do have that chance…And I mean to use it.” As President, Johnson displayed his strength and persistence. He tried to solve the problem of poverty in the U.S. He created the program, “Great Society.” This created programs like Medicare and Medicaid for the underprivileged. LBJ also fought for the rights of minorities like Mexican Americans. He fought for Private Felix Longoria to have the military funeral in Arlington Memorial Cemetery the way he deserved.

There was a pretty big exhibit dedicated to John F. Kennedy. Since I’m from Dallas, I had learned a lot about him and I had gone to the museum. He was known for his appeal to the young people of his generation since he was young himself. I admire his ability to give people what they want. I also admire his ability to make decisions quickly like the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Vietnam War. He tried to do what was best for his county even though it wasn’t successful at times.

Once JFK died, LBJ took over the presidency. Since racial injustice was a big problem in the U.S. during this time. LBJ had always been for racial justice so he fought for the rights of African Americans. With persistency and his amazing political strategy, he was able to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. He had amazing confidence and courage to fight for these Acts. He wasn’t afraid of what the other political leaders thought of them. He just continued to fight for what was right.

One of the first people I read about when I get there was Thomas Edison. He definitely had the most creative mind to invent so many things that we still use today. I wish I had the imagination to even think of those types of things like the light bulb and to be the pioneer of film-making. Another person that I read about was Martin Luther King Jr. He is definitely the most courageous person in history. He protested for the rights of African Americans no matter what might happen. His speeches are some of the most famous ones ever performed. I just admire his immense passion and care for others.

Today, all these leaders are some of the most famous people in American History. They contributed so much to our society and made some changes for the better. They made what America is today. I am thankful for all that they did. I admire their amazing leadership qualities and I hope can be as influential as they were.

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