Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mexican American Cultural Center

Tonight I attended the reception at the Mexican American Cultural Center. They had an art exhibit with work representing the Virgin of Guadalupe by Gilberto Cardenas. I really loved it! The building was absolutely beautiful and the art was amazing. Since I’m Catholic, I really appreciated the significance of this event. I was able to embrace my Mexican culture and my religious beliefs.

When I got there, I listened to the speakers. At first, they had the leaders from the Mexican American Cultural Center talk about the significance of the building and how amazing it was to have so many people at this special event. A sponsor told what the Virgin of Guadalupe does for us. He said "the poorest, meanest, and most innocent of us have the knowledge of being good as anyone else."They then had Gilberto Cardenas from the University of Notre Dame speak. I really admired him because of his amazing accomplishments. He got his Masters degree from Notre Dame which is pretty big in itself. He has written numerous books and articles. He now works in the Sociology Department at Notre Dame. He is considered one the top 100 most influential Latinos in the U.S. I love his confidence and strength as a Latino. It is not everyday you see someone from a Mexican background be so successful. Not too many people can overcome some racial obstacles that still exist in this world.

After the speakers, they had special performances which I really enjoyed. First, the St. Mary’s Cathedral Schola Cantorum performed. Their angelic voices definitely put everyone in the mood for Christmas. I thought that they were pretty amazing. They had little kids do some traditional Mexican dances which were great! They then had the Mariachi Jalisco perform. All the performances were amazing and really reflected the talent of the Mexican culture.

After the performances, I looked around at the art exhibit. They had a beautiful altar dedicated to the Virgin. It was decorated with flowers and her statue which was gorgeous. All the pieces of artwork had something to do with the Virgin of Guadalupe. Some of the pieces were paintings, drawings, sculptures, or quilts. They were really beautiful and sacred to me. Growing up, my family has held the Virgin in high respect as most Mexicans do. It is really nice to see such a magnificent display of the Mexican Culture at this event.

Overall, this experience was amazing. I felt so comfortable because I felt I had so much in common with all these people. It was really nice to see so many people there from all kinds of races not just Mexicans. Everyone should discover other people’s cultures. This experience really reminded me of our excursion to St. Mary’s Cathedral. I was able to learn a little bit more about my own heritage. We all need to know where we came from and never forget that.


In Jester East, I attended the viewing of the movie “Crash” and the discussion that followed. I had seen the movie before and I had loved it! The racial discrimination and stereotype issues in the movie really interested me. I have such a passion for these types of problems because I am a minority myself so I have some firsthand experience when it comes to being stereotyped as a Mexican. The discussion really enlightened me on these issues a little bit more by listening to other people’s perspectives.

In the beginning of the movie, you see that a car crash occurs. Mexicans are being stereotyped by being bad drivers and never being able to speak English. The Chinese woman that caused the crash also stereotypes the Mexicans for all being illegal by threatening to call the immigration. There is also another part of the movie where the character played by Sandra Bullock wants all the locks of her house changed again because she doesn’t want a Mexican “gangster” doing it. She discriminates against him for having “prison” tattoos, wearing baggy clothes, and just being Mexican. This is not the case at all. He turns to be a sweet, young father who has never been to prison but he is just trying to make money to take care of his family. These two parts of the movie really angered me because I am Mexican myself. I have seen so many people discriminate me and my dad who actually is from Mexico and doesn’t know English very well. People always see me and think I am ignorant, poor, and not English-speaking. This always angers me because people shouldn’t judge people just by their appearance.

In the discussion, other people discussed some other experiences they had where their friends or they have been discriminated against. It is really sad to think about that there are so many people in this world that have such hatred in their hearts against people of other races. It really hurts me to see the reactions and to hear the feelings of these people. I could the sadness in their eyes because such discrimination really hurt them.

Overall, I really loved the movie and I wish everyone could see it. There are so many people that have these similar experiences happen to them. People need to see that racism and discrimination is still happening everyday to different kinds of people. I hope we can all just think learn to accept others and not just judge them. I learned a lot from those people during the discussion and now understand how it is to be them.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

President's Office

Our class took a trip to the fourth floor of Tower which includes the President’s Office. This definitely was one of my favorite trips that our class has taken. Not too many students, here at U.T., can say that they have visited the President’s Office. Not only was it fun but it was also educational. I learned a lot about the history of the University and of the Tower. Our excursion to the fourth floor enlightened me on the responsibilities of the President and other facts about the University and Tower.

The first thing that we did was examine the outer architecture of the Tower and its’ symbolism. I noticed the shell right in the middle of course symbolizing our pilgrimage here at U.T. and of course through our careers. The Tower is definitely famous here at U.T. symbolizing excellence to me. “It stands as a symbol of victory or defeat after athletic contests, and it honors special academic accomplishments” (Course Anthology, 380).

We then moved on the fourth floor. We got to sit inside the Stark Library. It looked really cool with all the books and artifacts. All the books were very rare and unique. We then moved on the offices and learned about the different college symbols on the ceilings and windows. I thought it was really strange to have symbols on the ceilings representing the history of dress and printing. I didn’t really like going through the all the college symbols because I didn’t see how that related to the class.

After that, we got to tour the President’s Office which was the best part in my opinion. It was so amazing to see all his pictures with the Presidents and of course, Vince Young. He had a lot of special artifacts and gifts that he had received. We definitely noticed the gavel that he had representing leadership and hammering thoughts into unity. We examined the ceiling which was beautiful. There were two women up there. One represented the Arts and the other represented Science. We then traveled outside to the President’s rooftop garden. I thought it was so beautiful. It had the most amazing view ever! It just made so happy to be able to see the whole campus and of downtown Austin. There was beautiful well there and the plants were gorgeous.

Overall, I thought that this excursion was probably the most memorable and precious to me. It made me realize how lucky I am to go to a University like this. It made me value my education so much more and appreciate the little details around me. I now know that I have a long pilgrimage ahead of me but it’s worth it.

Blanton Muesum

Our class visited the Blanton Art Museum in search of leadership traits in the artists and their work. There are many artists there that are well-known but they all have different backgrounds. Cildo Mireles is definitely my favorite artist there with his amazing political work. Antonio Berni reintroduced the human figure as a form of criticism. These artists all convey something different through their work. “Color and shape help architects and designers speak to the public in a language they understand, either consciously or subconsciously” (Reading Public Space, 229).

My favorite piece of art is definitely “How to Build Cathedrals” by Cildo Mireles. It is just so amazing to see all those pennies fill the box on the ground and the line of hosts leading up to cow femurs on the top. I thought it was cool! It is supposed to represent how the Church uses money to promote religion. This really spoke to me because I am Catholic and sometimes I do think that the Church promotes giving money too much. If you don’t have money to give, you shouldn’t be punished for it. I admire his strength and confidence to do something so controversial like that.

Another artist I noticed was Antonio Berni from Argentina. He focused on urban life and human experience through marginalized characters. I love his work. It seems so simple but when you look at it closer, it tells you so much more. He created two fictional subjects for his works from the slums, Juanito Laguna and Ramona Montiel. It’s genius to create fictional figures for the basis of your work. I really enjoyed his prints that were apparent in the museum. He stepped forward through his work to discuss social and political issues which I admire.

I had already visited the museum before but this time I was able to pay more attention the artists and their reasons for their work. “Art resonates with us in ways other media don’t and perhaps can’t” (Reading the Visual Arts, 232). I really enjoyed this trip. I appreciate art so much more now. I admire the artists and their ability to convey such information to make you think about what is going on around you. You have “to try to pay attention to what the painting or photo evokes” (Reading the Visual Arts, 232). I hope that through my work and career, I will be able to help someone and get my point across.

Texas Natural Sciences Museum

As humans, we always think about past humans and their contributions. Most of us never seem to think about past creatures and their contributions to this earth. When I went to the Texas Natural Sciences Museum, it really opened up my eyes. It is amazing to think about these animals and what they had to go through back then millions of years ago. It is so important to expand our perspective of the world, past and future, to include all forms of life.

The first exhibit that I looked at was of DNA and evolution. I absolutely loved it! I thought it was very interesting since my major is biology. It is just fascinating to think about how our DNA is not so different from the DNA of monkeys. They had a lot of interactive games to help you learn about these similarities. We stood in front of the mirror to see the physical similarities between us and monkeys. I think everyone needs to think about these things because we all need to know where we came from and we came to be this way. Of course, many people don’t believe in evolution. I don’t really in believe in it but it is scientifically correct when you think about it.

The second exhibit I looked at was the floor of all the fishes, insects, and wild animals of Texas. Many of those animals and plants were extinct of course. It is so interesting to read about them. I read about some fish and some wild animals that were extinct due to over fishing and hunting. I think it so important to see those kinds of things so that we learn what we are doing to our environment and figure out how to fix it.

The last exhibit I visited was the floor of dinosaurs. I always thought the idea of dinosaurs was so interesting and exciting. It is amazing to think about these huge creatures that once walked the earth even before humans were on earth. Some ate plants and some ate meat. It was great reading about their habits, size, and the time period in which they lived. I also read about the different theories that dinosaurs became extinct like the meteors. I thought it was crazy for meteor impacts destroyed the environment that much to kill these magnificent creatures.

In the end, I really loved our trip to the museum. Although, I do wish that their exhibits were a little bit larger. We, humans, all need to think and learn about these creatures and plants that lived so long ago. They did so much and that’s what this world evolved from. Everyone needs to know where and how they came from and what was here before them so appreciate what is here now.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Unity in College Writing

Ever since the first day of class, unity has been the main topic or theme in this class. Professor Bump’s goal is to make us hammer our thoughts into unity. I’ve read so many articles, stories, and poems and our class has visited all kinds of places so that we can explore new things and unite them with other things we have learned. While reading “The World is Your Body” and “As King Fishers,” I realized the importance of unity in my writing and preparation for P3.

Unity is, of course, the main challenge for me in writing P3. It was also a theme in writing P1 and P2 but it wasn’t so hard. For P3, I have to find a way to connect all these ideas in past two papers and bring it all together. Watts says “They are then simply ways of “figuring” the world, as we agree about inches and hours, numbers and words, mathematical systems and languages” (Watts, 769). I now know I have to look at both of my papers and see how they go together. I have to organize things so that they make sense not expect to see these comparisons come up on their own. He said “that things are differing forms of some basic stuff” (Watts, 769). This tells me that all I have to do is take basic sentences and unite them to put them in final paper.

While writing P3, I’ve had a lot of difficulty trying to satisfy the word limit and make the whole paper flow. In “As King Fishers,” Hopkins says “As king fishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame” (Hopkins, 763). When you write something, you can always connect it with something else. Rico also talks about connecting ideas. In “Two Modes of Knowing: Sign and Design,” he says “Once we become aware of these different ways of processing our thoughts, we can not only learn to channel each once appropriately toward different phases of the writing process, but we can also learn to ensure that they work cooperatively for the greatest possible creative interaction” (Rico, 202). Each side of our brain processes information different ways. We have to learn to control each side and combine both ways to be able to unite our ideas for P3.

College writing has a lot to do with unity. In life, we have to learn to connect ideas for a greater purpose. I hope I can unite my two papers successfully so that it makes sense but also interests the reader. I have never had to do anything like this before and I find it very challenging. After reading these articles, I have realized that it is not as difficult as I have made it out to be. You just have to start small and work yourself throughout your paper connecting ideas.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Our diversity excursion to downtown Austin was amazing. I really enjoyed it. I was able to go to places that I would probably never go to on my own. Attending a Spanish mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral was amazing but not out of the ordinary. Visiting the capitol was fun because we got to lie down on the floor under the dome. The Driskill Hotel was beautiful and the western art inside was interesting. These visits to all these places helped me learn about the architecture and history of Austin but also taught me about another culture, Mexican, that I am quite familiar with.

The first place we went to was St. Mary’s Cathedral. I loved it since I am Catholic so I felt right at home. Many didn’t like it because it was all in Spanish but back home my parents and me always use to go to the Spanish mass. This experience really reminded of home. The Church, itself, was gorgeous. It was a lot different from any Catholic Church in Dallas. The Gothic Architecture made it quite fascinating. It reminded me of France because Notre Dame was designed in this same type of style. Back then, people thought of this type of architecture as holy and moral. The stained glass window in the front of the Church really caught my eye. It was beautiful image of Mary. It looked even better because the dome in the front was a bright blue with gold. I recognized a lot of the songs and the music was great but it was different from the English mass. In the English mass, guitar and clapping are not very common at all.

After Church, we continued on to one of the most famous or important buildings in Texas, the Capitol. I had always wanted to visit but I have never had the chance and my school never had trips there unlike most schools. I thought it was beautiful and it reminded me of the White House in Washington, D.C. The Greco-Roman Architecture of the building is common for most government buildings because it stands for democracy here in the U.S. The star at the top, of course, reminds me of the star of destiny like at the Bullock Museum and of Texas being the Lone Star State. Because it so high up, it tells the courage and strength of the Texan culture and people. It tells of how Texas was the only state, other than California, to be its own country. My favorite part would definitely have to be when laid down on the star looking up at the dome. It was beautiful to see the star at the top as well.

The last place that we visited was the Driskill Hotel on the sixth street. This building really stood out from the rest because of it’s out of the ordinary architecture, Victorian. It was pretty strange seeing the head of a Longhorn in the front and it was even weirder seeing the head of the man, Driskill. The inside was so beautiful. It was dark but very elegant. They had amazing chandeliers and western style furniture and art. The little statues and the paintings of the western times in Austin really told a great story and fascinated me.

All these places told of a different time and of a different culture. The Cathedral displayed Gothic Architecture and the Spanish mass told of the Mexican Culture. The Capitol displayed Greco-Roman Architecture and told of the early times in Texas and how it came to so powerful today. The Driskill Hotel displayed Victorian Architecture and told of the western times and cowboys. Seeing so much diversity here in Austin makes me proud to be a Texan because like the Star of Destiny movie said, “you don’t have to born in Texas to have the courage and strength of Texans.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Texas Museum

Our class visit to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum is one of the coolest places that we have been to yet. I thought it was so much because there was so much to see. I discovered so much about our state’s history and the leaders that made Texas what it is today. While I was at the museum, I saw many leadership qualities while reading about some of the Texas heroes.

On the first floor of the museum, I mostly saw the history of the Native Americans who were the first people that inhabited the land that is now Texas. I admire them so much for their courage and bravery. They had to fight against the Spanish and the Americans so that they could keep their land. Because the Americans had advanced weapons and had numerous men, they were able to defeat the Indians. I also admire the Indians for their amazing strength and intelligence. At the museum, they had a display of their tools, clothes, and teepees which were all handmade. They seemed like such a friendly group of people who just wanted to be left alone in peace. There was a quote by Alvar Nunez de Cabeza de Vaca which said, “The Indians brought us more fish…and brought their women and children that they could see us…they returned rich in the hawk bells and beads that we gave them.”

While walking around, I noticed there was some stuff about women in the South back then. Women were supposed to stay home and take care of their children. They were not allowed to work or vote. Since Texas is in the South, men were even more stubborn when it came to women trying to get better work or getting the right to vote. Women united and became so strong and determined to be heard to get the law passed to vote legally. They finally got the right to vote and played a major role in Texas’ rise to statehood and power in America. Women were nurses and cooks during battles. They were also fighters, pilots, and nurses during World War II.

At the end of our visit at the museum, we watched the Star of Destiny movie. It told the whole history of Texas. In school, I had learned about the prominent leaders such as Sam Houston, David Bowie, and William Travis. They had such strong determination and stayed optimistic that Texas can beat the Spanish at the Alamo and gain statehood. It also told of the many instances where Texans displayed their strength to never give up no matter how bad things become. One example was the hurricane that struck Galveston which is the most severe in history of the United States. Even though all the houses were destroyed, they didn’t leave. They decided to rebuild the whole city.

Texas has always been considered one of the biggest and prideful states in America. Anyone who lives here is more proud to be a Texas than an American. The Texas flag is the only state flag allowed to be raised as high as the U.S. flag. Some of the most prominent Americans in our history have been from Texas. Women and the Native Americans share the qualities of courageous and strong which is what makes them so memorable. I hope Texas’ history will continue to be preserved and shared with all. As the movie said, “the lone star will continue to be the symbol of independence.”

Alice as a Parody of Life

Whenever we first started reading Alice in Wonderland in this class, I definitely noticed some apparent similarities and differences. Alice is always changing her size throughout the book which relates to how I feel here at U.T. The rabbit hole that Alice falls down in definitely reminds me of the confusion and mess that I have experienced so far. The looking glass is another similarity that I noticed because it reminds me of my own aspirations in life. While reading Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the Looking Glass, I recognized several parodies to my college life.

During Alice in Wonderland, Alice changes size a few times. At the beginning of the story, she gets smaller. She gets smaller when she has the White Rabbit’s hat. She can’t go into the house in the wood because she is too big. When she eats the cake, she gets smaller. All of these situations that Alice goes through remind me of the way I feel. I have never shared a room with anyone else so it is hard to get use to being in one tiny room and sharing it with another person even if that person is your friend. When Alice gets smaller eating the cake, it makes me think of how me and my friends eat more than normal and we eat such unhealthy foods.

Towards the beginning of the story, Alice falls down the rabbit hole. Alice notices the tunnel was full of bookshelves and cupboards with tons of pictures and maps attached. This definitely reminds of all the confusion and mess I experience at U.T. Since I always homework or studying to do, I never find enough time to clean my room. Ever since I have gotten here, I feel confused all the time. I never think I know what I am doing. I just get so overwhelmed with all the things I have to get done and how much time they take. While Alice is falling down the well, she says “Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end?” (The Annotated Alice, 13). Alice feels that her fall is just never-ending. This is exactly how I feel about college. I feel that I have a never-ending load of work. It seems that once I think I’m finished with one thing that I still have another thing that needs to get done. Tests never seem to end. I have one almost every week. I never finish studying because once I finish one test; I have another test to study for.

In Alice Through The Looking Glass, Alice looks through the mirror. She thinks about all the wonderful things that would be on the other side in the Looking-Glass House. Alice says “I’m sure it’s got, oh! such beautiful things in it!” (The Annotated Alice, 143). Before I came to college, I always use to daydream about how wonderful college life would be. My sister and some of my friends would always tell me about it. I was so excited. Now that I am actually here, I’m so stressed out, overwhelmed, and just tired. I still daydream about my future. We all wonder what lies ahead in our lives just like Alice wondered what lied beyond the looking glass. Everyone looks forward to the exciting things in life and all the great things that will happen to us later on.

In the stories of Alice in Wonderland, parodies stand out. Reading it just reminds me so much of my own life right now during college. Alice goes through some of the same type of situations that we go through everyday. College is a constant struggle and an eye-opening experience for everyone but it is something that we must go through to have a better and more successful life in the end.

Monday, November 5, 2007

LBJ Library and Museum

Ever since I got here, I had heard about the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library a lot. Every time I passed by the campus on highway, I could see it. When we finally went, I was so excited and so amazed at all the things they had there. Our trip to LBJ Library has definitely been one of my favorites. While I walked around, I learned so much about LBJ not only as a political leader or the President but also as a philanthropist and family man. As I looked at the different exhibits of the 1960’s, I read about many other influential leaders during that time period. These leaders, along with LBJ, had many leadership qualities that I would like to emulate.

Even as a young man, LBJ displayed his caring and serving personality for the less fortunate. He decided to take a year off from college to take a teaching position in Cotulla, Texas. The children that he taught were poor and Mexican American. LBJ tried to help these kids and what he learned stayed with him his whole life. He said “It never even occurred to me in my fondest dreams that I might have the chance to help these sons and daughters of those students and to help people like them all over the world. But now I do have that chance…And I mean to use it.” As President, Johnson displayed his strength and persistence. He tried to solve the problem of poverty in the U.S. He created the program, “Great Society.” This created programs like Medicare and Medicaid for the underprivileged. LBJ also fought for the rights of minorities like Mexican Americans. He fought for Private Felix Longoria to have the military funeral in Arlington Memorial Cemetery the way he deserved.

There was a pretty big exhibit dedicated to John F. Kennedy. Since I’m from Dallas, I had learned a lot about him and I had gone to the museum. He was known for his appeal to the young people of his generation since he was young himself. I admire his ability to give people what they want. I also admire his ability to make decisions quickly like the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Vietnam War. He tried to do what was best for his county even though it wasn’t successful at times.

Once JFK died, LBJ took over the presidency. Since racial injustice was a big problem in the U.S. during this time. LBJ had always been for racial justice so he fought for the rights of African Americans. With persistency and his amazing political strategy, he was able to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. He had amazing confidence and courage to fight for these Acts. He wasn’t afraid of what the other political leaders thought of them. He just continued to fight for what was right.

One of the first people I read about when I get there was Thomas Edison. He definitely had the most creative mind to invent so many things that we still use today. I wish I had the imagination to even think of those types of things like the light bulb and to be the pioneer of film-making. Another person that I read about was Martin Luther King Jr. He is definitely the most courageous person in history. He protested for the rights of African Americans no matter what might happen. His speeches are some of the most famous ones ever performed. I just admire his immense passion and care for others.

Today, all these leaders are some of the most famous people in American History. They contributed so much to our society and made some changes for the better. They made what America is today. I am thankful for all that they did. I admire their amazing leadership qualities and I hope can be as influential as they were.

Tower Garden: Landscape Architecture II

One of the things that I love most about the U.T. campus is the beautiful landscape. I love how all the beautiful plants are preserved here. It is amazing to see so many trees and such green grass in such a big city. I have found so many nice and peaceful places to study or just relax. Back home, I was use to having my backyard full of roses where I could go and admire all the beauty of God’s creations. Here at U.T., landscape makes what the campus is today. The gardens, such as the Tower Garden, keep me relaxed and calm during my stressful career at U.T.

Whenever I am surrounded by nature, I am reminded of the first garden. In the Bible, it says “Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden…and there he put the man he fashioned” (Course Anthology, 640). Religion has always been a huge part of my life. At school, we discussed the importance of this Garden. God made all the plants and ponds so that we can admire them and to bring beauty into this world. He made man in the Garden of Eden because he wants to be stewards of the Earth. As children of God, we have a responsibility to not take advantage of God’s creations but to protect them and preserve them.

In my backyard at home, my dad planted tons of roses, pear trees, and peach tree. My dad has always had a fascination with landscaping. When I was little, my dad and I would plant little flowers all the time. This was one of the best memories of my childhood. I was so happy just being outside and spending time with my dad since we did it together. I think that is why my dad and I are so close now. Even though I am away from home, I’m glad I have places to go that kind of remind of home. I feel secure and happy thinking about those times with my dad.

Verlyn Klinkenborg said in his article about landscape architecture that “All the disarray has been filtered out for us. We suddenly glimpse what the world would look like if it were the work of a single hand, a single eye, a world created to please our emotions of place. It’s gratifying-and often disorienting-sensation” (Course Anthology, 629). These past few months have been so stressful and tiring. Going to the turtle pond is relaxing and it gives me a chance to meditate about life. Everyone needs a place where they can go to get away from all our responsibilities and worries in life. We all need to stop, relax, and recharge. Sometimes I feel I don’t have time to stop but if I don’t, then I don’t get things done because I become so unfocused and tired.

In life, we can’t let the chaos and our responsibilities take over our lives. Every once in a while, we need to stop and get away. Everyone needs time for themselves to meditate and put things back into focus. I love being here at U.T. because I have this opportunity. If you just look around, you can find these type of places. Every time I go to the Tower Garden, I am able to think back on the good times with my dad and just take in all the beauty of the nature around me. After, I can return to my work refreshed and focused.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Growing up, I had always heard about Alice in Wonderland. It was a pretty popular book and of course Disney movie. I have never seen the movie or read the book before. Now that I have, I think it is crazy but really fascinating at the same time. After reading the books, Alice has much more in common with me than I thought. When I really got to understand the stories and I looked past all the weird creatures, I learned all the similarities that I had with Alice.

When I started reading the stories, I could not believe the things she said and the creatures that she encountered. I thought it was so ridiculous and so unrealistic. Rabbits, flowers, and playing cards talking were weirdest things I have ever heard. I thought to myself who would ever want to read this book other than little kids. I felt that nobody could ever learn anything from this book. After a while, I began to understand the deeper meaning of these strange encounters and characters and I found the themes that make this story so amazing and memorable.

At the beginning of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice finds “herself falling down what seemed a very deep well” (Annotated Alice, 12). Alice’s experience seems very familiar to one of my own and probably to a lot of other people. Her long journey down this dark tunnel reminds me of my journey towards my career. Along my journey, I learn new things. While Alice is falling, she has time to think about what is happening. She wonders what is at the end, what is happening to her, and why is this happening to her. Through high school and now college, I have no idea where this might lead me. I hope it is medical school and then a career in medicine but something might happen along the way. I always wonder why some obstacles are put in my way but I know that is how I learn from mistakes and they help me to grow stronger mentally.

Throughout the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Alice struggles with her identity. She is always being mistaken for someone else. At the beginning, she is mistaken for a Duchess. She says, “I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning?” (Annotated Alice, 22). Alice continues to be confused about who she really is. Here at University of Texas at Austin, we are all trying to find out who we really are. We are composing a new self. When I first got here, I felt I knew exactly what my major was going to be and what career I wanted. Now, I am not so sure anymore. I’ve been thinking about changing my major or changing schools. I just need to be patient and find out what is the best thing for me to do.

I admire Alice for her sense of curiosity and her desire to explore new thingsas I do. At first, she is a little scared and confused but that is understandable of course. As the story progresses in Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, her curiosity takes over her fear. Instead of being scared of what or who might be behind the mirror, she says “I’m sure it’s got, oh! such beautiful things in it!” (Annotated Alice, 143). She is such an optimistic person. Alice “is willing to venture the unknown or that which is beyond self” (Anthology, 795). Alice always seems to find the better side of things unlike me, who always finds the negative side of things. I want to be able to go out in the world and try new things without being afraid of what people might think or what might go wrong.

Now, I no longer think of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There as just children’s books. They are more inspirational than some people might think. Alice teaches me to “find myself,” explore new things, and to be optimistic. I can’t be afraid of what might happen. I have to be able to take risks. I have some similarities with Alice but there are a lot of things about her that I admire and hope to acquire one day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Campus landscape architecture: Retreat and Renewal

Whenever I thought of the University of Texas at Austin, architecture never came to mind. Now that I am actually here and I walk around, the buildings are a very big component of the University. Back home in Dallas, I would always have those “special” places where I always went just to get away from the rest of the world. Here at U.T., I have not found that “special” place yet but I hope I do. As Newman said, “it is a place which wins the admiration of the young by its celebrity, kindles the affections of the middle-aged by beauty, and rivets the fidelity of the old by its associations” (314).This university has so much to offer for all types of people and I know there is a place for me but I just have to find it. There are a few places that may become my new retreats like the turtle pond, my dorm room, and the library.

One of the most beautiful places on this campus is the turtle pond. When my friends took me there for the first time, I was so mesmerized. It was so gorgeous. I love seeing all the little turtles swimming around there. A sense of peace and relaxation just comes over me every time I go there. Whenever I get out of class, I just find myself going there and I just sit there to think. Sometimes when I am stressed out about school, I go there and contemplate. Jones comments on Waller Creek saying “it is psychological therapy” (660). I feel the same way about the turtle pong. Whenever I leave there, I feel refreshed.

Ever since I left home and moved here to Austin, my dorm room has become my “home away from home.” Now that I have put up my own pictures and decorated it the way I want, I feel comfortable there. Everything that I need is right there in that room. Nobody can come bother me when I need to be alone. It is also a fun place. My friends usually come and visit me and we can just hang out. Although I don’t feel as secure and safe like I do in my room back home, it is a start. Since most of my friends live in the same building as me, so whenever I need someone to talk to; there is always somebody there for me.

One of the places here on campus that I probably spend most of my time is the library. U.T. is known for challenging its’ students and it definitely challenges me. There is not one moment that I do not have assignments to do for one of my classes. Usually if I want to do my homework, I can’t do it in my room. There are just so many distractions so I go to the library where it is quiet and I am able to focus. I’m always able to get all my work done and study even if it takes me all night to do it. I really like going there though since it gives me a chance to concentrate on whatever I need to.

Now that I am pretty far away from home and I am on my own, I need to find a retreat here on campus so I can feel at home. Even though I have not found one yet, I know I will. I just know this is the right place for me. The turtle pond is the perfect place for anyone, especially for me, to go and just get the sense of tranquility there. My dorm room is just a place for me and my friends to hang out and socialize. A lot of my time is definitely spent though in the library. So many students go there for the peace and quiet to study. I just hope I continue to discover new places on campus where I can go and maybe even become my new “special” place.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Second Life Experience

Upon finding out that playing a game would be an integral part of writing our papers in my Freshman Seminar class, I was concerned yet shocked. Games have never been very appealing to me. I thought it was so technologically advanced and interesting since you could everything you can in the real world so I was kind of excited to try the game out. On the other hand, I had heard about the game before and I had my doubts about it. I heard so many negative stories about this virtual world game on the internet but I didn’t want that to get to me since this was a major part of my grade.

Before playing Second Life, I had to choose a role model to write about in P1. I chose her my sister, Jessica, because of her amazing qualities and personality that I would like to emulate. Jessica has so much determination and ambition. She does not allow her illnesses or disability to stop her from continuing to follow her goal to become a social worker. She is so intelligent and confident in everything that she does. At her internship, she exhibits her leadership abilities and caring personality towards the many families that she encounters.

The first step in playing Second Life is creating an avatar but it had to look my role model, Jessica. My avatar has brown eyes, long light brown hair, and pale skin. Since my sister does not wear much make-up, my avatar did not either. My avatar does have the same body shape as my sister; she is short, thin, and has big hips. Also, my avatar wears jeans and a green top which is something my sister would definitely wear. I tried really hard to make my avatar match my sister in every possible way but I did have one major problem. In real life, my sister has a disability which causes her to wear leg braces due to the poor development of her leg muscles. This is a major part of her appearance that I think everyone should see and be aware of to really understand how different and how amazing she really is.

When I first started making my avatar, I was so excited. I love being in control and having the ability to change how my avatar looked and putting on any kind of clothes that I wanted. I did have some trouble and it did take a while because I had never used Second Life before and I didn’t have people to help me all the time. I had to keep messing with it until I figured out some things on my own which stressed me out. When I finally finished though, I was so proud of myself. My effort and all my time finally paid off. I think I really captured the look of my sister in avatar. After I was done with the avatar, I was able to walk around the University of Texas Island. I thought it was so amazing and the coolest thing ever since the island had the tower that looked exactly like the one on campus. It got even better when I found out that you could even fly!

During class, I had to have two conversations with other avatars. At first, I thought it would be pretty fun since it was like using an instant messenger, Facebook, or Myspace except I would be having an intelligent conversation. Then, I realized it was harder than I thought. I had a hard time trying not to use the usual abbreviations and slang that I usually use when chatting. Also, it was very frustrating trying to type everything that I wanted to say and to talk like my sister. The conversation would go so quickly and it was hard to keep up at times. Sometimes, people would go off-topic which was very frustrating since we only had a limited amount of time to talk and this was what I was going to have to use to write my next paper. I really liked the conversations thought because everyone had so much to say and it was pretty neat talking with all these different role models. When I finally got into it, I felt like I was just talking to friends.

The first conversation I had in Second Life was about leadership. The avatars in my group are Coach Joe Vita, Benjamin Franklin, and Betty. At first, everyone wasn’t sure what to talk about and some of the time was wasted talking about who we were. Few minutes, all the role models got comfortable. People would ask questions and everyone would respond. I really got into the flow of the conversation and everyone made some very great points. I learned so much about leadership from everyone’s perspectives. Betty, a teacher, talked about an important quality of a leader, sympathy. She said, “You must be able to lead but also take into consideration the thoughts and ideas of others and incorporate them into your own plan.” A good leader always needs to know what his followers want and point them in the right direction. Benjamin Franklin had some amazing insight. He said, “A leader must never be satisfied. He must know what his strengths are, and at the same time know his own weaknesses. Be able to recognize that in himself, and be able to listen to criticism--take that criticism, and improve.” He recognizes that people can take constructive criticism in a good way and use it to improve your leadership skills. Leaders need to able to take control a situation and always know that there is room for improvement.

The second conversation that I took part of in Second Life was about leadership and diversity. I had a smaller group this time including me, Yukioshi Takaaki, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. This conversation really got me more stressed out than the first. Since we had less people in our group, there were many instances of awkward silence. The amount of time that was actually spent talking about our assigned topics was minimal. Nobody wanted to say anything but when they actually did, it was great. Because Emerson is such an experienced leader in the literary world, he knew so much about diversity. One of things he said that really stood out in my mind, “We must not go where the path may lead. We must go where there is no path and leave a trail.” My sister has never been a follower but a leader. She always makes sure people know her name and what she has done. She always seems to leave her mark. Diversity was more of a big issue for me because of my sister’s disability. I felt this was where I was most successful because I was the one who could relate the most to this issue. In the conversation, I stressed “I have learned not to judge other people and just accept them for they are.” Some people don’t understand what others go through and they judge them automatically based on their outer appearance. My sister knows better. Because she is disabled, she has been the victim of discrimination. As a leader, Jessica realizes that you must get to know the person first before forming an opinion about them. Leaders should embrace diversity and use that to bring their followers together so that they know we all have something in common.

Reading and writing was a big part of this entire Second Life experience. You had to read what people typed and you had to give feedback by writing a response. In the end, I don’t think that I learned too much about writing. Playing a game didn’t help me to further develop my writing skills. It just made me realize how reading and writing was an important component to the success of my role model, Jessica. This experience was definitely unlike any other writing experiences that I have had in the past. I have always been a given a specific topic and told to just write about it. This time, I just had to write about Second Life and my role model. There are just so many different ways that I could interpret that. My sister has never had a writing experience like this one but I’m sure it would be something that she would really enjoy.
Sympathetic Imagination plays a big role in my experience in Second Life. The “sympathetic imagination is the ability of a person to penetrate the barrier which space puts between him and his object, and, by actually entering into the object, so to speak, to secure a momentary but complete identification with it.” Through our conversations, everyone got to know one another. We found out where they came from, what they do, and what their thoughts were on leadership and diversity. By talking to these other role models, I found out their hardships that they had to go through to become such influential leaders. I got to know what it feels like to be in their shoes. Other people got to know what it feels like to be my sister. They realized all the obstacles that my sister had to overcome. Jessica’s disabilities made her the strong, determined person she is today. If people understand other people’s backgrounds, then they can relate and become better leaders that way.

The Second Life game was definitely an experience of discovery learning, doing something actively without other people telling you how to do it. I became so stressed trying to download the game to my computer and creating an account. It was also difficult trying to get to the island and fixing the avatar to look like Jessica. It took so much time and effort. Nobody was ever there with me to help me out and tell how to do everything. I kept playing around with the game until I started getting use to how things work on there. When I actually got to play the game, I was happy and I thought it was so much fun. I really got into the conversations. I felt like I actually knew what I was talking about and I knew what my sister thought about these issues.

Overall, my Second Life experience was stressful but fun as well. I got to make an avatar that looked like my sister, Jessica and interact with other avatars. We had conversations with each other about important issues like leadership and diversity. I learned about other people’s perspectives on these topics. They understood my views or sister’s views and how they affect her, making her what she is today. I really comprehended what it means to be a leader and how to become a better leader.
Word Count: 1705
First Conversation
[12:01] Edwin Donardson is Online
[12:01] Shakespeare2 Iwish is Online
[12:03] Shakespeare2 Iwish: To be, or not to be: that is the question
[12:04] You: A Penny earned, is a penny saved. If you want to speak in famous lines
[12:04] Shakespeare2 Iwish: All the worlds a stage my friend
[12:04] Shakespeare2 Iwish: We are merely players
[12:05] Jessica8 Iwish: that is true
[12:05] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Fair lady speaks!
[12:05] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Fie! Fie!
[12:05] You: Let us all introduce ourselves formally.
[12:05] You: I am Benjamin Franklin.
[12:05] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Thy name is Shakespeare.
[12:05] CoachJoe Vita: How are You all DOin. I'm Coach Joseph
[12:05] Jessica8 Iwish: I am Jessica
[12:05] Jerome Eponym is Online
[12:05] You: Founding father of this great country. Inventor, scientist, public servant, extradordinair.
[12:06] CoachJoe Vita: I am the Coach of a varsity football team
[12:06] CoachJoe Vita: i have found much success over the years
[12:06] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Tis noble, Tis honorable
[12:06] CoachJoe Vita: bringing 3 junior colleges and a high school team to the championship[12:06] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Thy writing spans the world
[12:06] Jessica8 Iwish: I am a student at the University of Texas at Arlington
[12:07] Shakespeare2 Iwish: It's not enough to speak, but to speak true
[12:07] You: Congratulations Coach Joseph. Education is a noble thing.
[12:07] Betty Questi: I was a sixth grad teacher and am now the principal of the West Columbia Junior School
[12:07] You: I only went to school for a few years. Arithmatic proved to be my downfall.
[12:07] Basic Chair: Right click me and choose 'Sit Here' to sit down
[12:07] Basic Chair: Right click me and choose 'Sit Here' to sit down
[12:07] Basic Chair: Right click me and choose 'Sit Here' to sit down
[12:07] Basic Chair: Right click me and choose 'Sit Here' to sit down
[12:07] CoachJoe Vita: i was a former linebacker for the university of iowa
[12:07] CoachJoe Vita: and i was well on my way to going to the nfl
[12:07] Edwin Donardson: what is leadership
[12:08] You: Wow this is a full discussion. As full as my belly, and my life.
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: however, a career ending knee injury prevented me from doing so
[12:08] Betty Questi: very impressive Coach
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: i still graduated however
[12:08] Jessica8 Iwish: wow that is very amazing Coach Joseph
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: with a degree in history
[12:08] Betty Questi: I'm sorry for your injury
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: and now, i teach history as well as coach football
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: i'm still doing what i love
[12:08] CoachJoe Vita: that's all i care about
[12:09] Shakespeare2 Iwish: Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't
[12:09] CoachJoe Vita: aint nothin better than seein my boys grow up
[12:09] Betty Questi: As long as you're doing what you love, you'll be fine.
[12:09] You: Whom are our newest additions to this group.
[12:09] You: Good bye Shakespeare. Farewell
[12:10] You: Why hello Betty, who are you?
[12:11] You: Lets begin our discussion, since we are all here now.
[12:11] Jessica8 Iwish: ok
[12:11] CoachJoe Vita: yes let's
[12:11] Betty Questi: I am a teacher. I taught sixth grade and now serve as the principal of my school
[12:11] Betty Questi: yes i agree
[12:11] CoachJoe Vita: so the topic of discussion today is "what is a leader"
[12:11] Jessica8 Iwish: yes that's right
[12:12] CoachJoe Vita: i believe we should all go around and explain what a "leader" is to us
[12:12] You: I learned during my life to apply the Socratic mehtod, so let me ask you all, what makes a leader?
[12:12] CoachJoe Vita: would the ladies like to respond first?
[12:12] Jessica8 Iwish: yes sure
[12:13] Jessica8 Iwish: i think that a leader is someone who guides people but at the time same time can command people.
[12:13] You: Guide people to what?
[12:14] CoachJoe Vita: yes, please elaborate
[12:14] Jessica8 Iwish: a leader needs to be able to take control of a situation but not take advantage of that power
[12:14] CoachJoe Vita: why can't the leader take advantage of that power?
[12:14] Betty Questi: I agree
[12:14] CoachJoe Vita: can't he/she take advantage of it, in a beneficial way?
[12:15] Betty Questi: If you are a leader and you abuse your power, you lose credibility.
[12:15] CoachJoe Vita: who is to judge what "power abuse" is?
[12:15] Jessica8 Iwish: yes it can be beneficial but unfortunately most leaders use it in a negative way
[12:16] You: Why do most leaders abuse their power?
[12:16] Jessica8 Iwish: if you abuse your power as leader then nobody will follow you or listen to you
[12:16] Betty Questi: I think it takes a special person to be a truly great leader because often, abuse of power does happen
[12:16] Betty Questi: I definitely agree
[12:16] CoachJoe Vita: well, if no one follows you, then you are not a leader
[12:16] Jessica8 Iwish: Most leaders abuse their power because they never had that power before and don't know what to do with it
[12:16] Betty Questi: You must be able to lead but also take into consideration the thoughts and ideas of others and incorporate them into your own plan
[12:17] Jessica8 Iwish: exactly. thats why you can't take advantage of your power or you will be unsuccessful as a leader
[12:17] You: I have always said, "He who cannot obey, cannot command."
[12:17] CoachJoe Vita: i believe the definition of a leader is someone whose actions and words are ones to follow and adhere to
[12:17] Jessica8 Iwish: I agree Bruce
[12:17] You: remember, I am Benjamin.
[12:18] You: Benjamin Franklin that is. Founding father, featured on the hundred-dollar bill.
[12:18] Jessica8 Iwish: ok
[12:18] Betty Questi: haha
[12:18] CoachJoe Vita: So, Ben, what's your spin on a leader?
[12:18] Betty Questi: yes, please enlighten us
[12:18] You: But about leadership, I truly believe that a leader must be able to adapt.
[12:18] CoachJoe Vita: Indeed[
12:18] Jessica8 Iwish: yes i think so too
[12:18] Betty Questi: I too agree
[12:18] You: During my life, I continued to change. I was never satisified with myself. No matter how popular or successful I had become.
[12:19] You: At one time I was the most famous person in all of North America. Yet I wasn't satisfied with my position. I continued to try to improve myself.
[12:19] Betty Questi: How so?
[12:19] Jessica8 Iwish: I think it is important for a leader to learn from his or her mistakes and improve
[12:20] You: A leader must never be satisfied. He must know what his strengths are, and at the same time know his own weaknesses. Be able to recognize that in himself, and be able to listen to criticism--take that criticism, and improve.
[12:20] CoachJoe Vita: Doesn't being a leader also imply other people follow?
[12:20] Betty Questi: Yes, even though you are the leader, you too must learn to grow and share that growth with your followers
[12:20] You: Throughout my long life, I was never satisified. I continued to try to grow
.[12:20] Jessica8 Iwish: i agree Betty
[12:21] Betty Questi: They want to grow, and they can only grow as much as you do, because they are your followers
[12:21] You: How I obtained that growth was a never ending curiosity.
[12:21] Betty Questi: Yes, because growth is never ending
[12:21] Betty Questi: especially in this sense....we can grow in more ways than we know possible[12:22] Jessica8 Iwish: Yes , there is something to learn
[12:22] You: I refused to look at the world and think "I know everything that is going on here." And in that way, a leader can not ever think they truly have it figured out.
[12:22] Jessica8 Iwish: everyday
[12:22] Betty Questi: I think we grow through our experiences, especially experiences that maybe didn't end up the way we wanted to.
[12:22] CoachJoe Vita: So a leader is a person who is able to adapt and also has an insatiable desire for self improvement?
[12:22] Betty Questi: I think we grow more when maybe we make mistakes or overcome challenges, adversity or hardships
[12:22] Jessica8 Iwish: Yes hardships makes us who we are
[12:23] You: Even though I was a successful printer, and writer in my early life, I continued to remain curious through my late life. Thus making my biggest impact on this world, my scientific discoveries, especially that one with the kite, later in my life.
[12:23] Betty Questi: But do leaders really feel the need for self improvement? my eyes, a leader is someone who is confident in who they are and their purpose in life
[12:23] Betty Questi: I think this is why people are drawn to them
[12:24] Betty Questi: They look up to the person who is confident and positive in who they are and what they stand for
[12:24] CoachJoe Vita: Well, i believe people can be attracted to a person who is always looking to improve him or herself
[12:24] You: Self-improvement doesn't contradict confidence.
[12:24] CoachJoe Vita: regardless of their current status
[12:24] Betty Questi: I see your point
[12:24] CoachJoe Vita: INSATIABLE desire for betterment
[12:24] You: I have never been accused of having a lack of confidence.
[12:24] CoachJoe Vita: does not imply we are at fault in the present state
[12:25] You: But yet, while I was confident, I was never satisified.
[12:25] CoachJoe Vita: we are simply never satisfied with being stationary
[12:25] Betty Questi: I do agree with that
[12:25] Jessica8 Iwish: I agreet too
[12:25] You: I knew I could do it, because I believed in myself. But just because I could do it, doesn't mean I couldn't do it better.
[12:25] CoachJoe Vita: We gotta keep it pushin[
12:25] Betty Questi: Well, never settling for anything better than the best is the mo st admirable thing
[12:26] Jessica8 Iwish: Leaders have to be confident to know what they are doing so other people can listen to them
[12:26] CoachJoe Vita: Just cause we lose a game this week, doesn't mean we're going to lose next week
[12:26] You: Every morning you wake up, you either choose to get better, or you get worse. In any area.
[12:26] Betty Questi: You must always keep looking up and trying to see how you can make even more of a difference
[12:26] CoachJoe Vita: So let us refer back to the topic "what is a leader"
[12:26] You: Coach Joe doesn't wake up and think, "I hope my team plays likewe did last week."
[12:26] CoachJoe Vita: we have established that a leader is confident in him/herself
[12:26] You: He goes in with a passion for improving.
[12:27] Betty Questi: I guess I really do see your point, because just because we win one game doesn't mean that we can't do better...we still have more games to win and more challenges to overcome
[12:27] CoachJoe Vita: very good
[12:27] CoachJoe Vita: champions dont win just 1 game
[12:27] You: Speaking of champions. I was an amazing swimmer, as you can tell. Haha.
[12:27] Jessica8 Iwish: haha
[12:28] You: I guess I became too busy with statescraft to swim. But I am in the Swimming Hall of Fame
[12:28] Betty Questi: Just because my students finished one book, doesn't mean i want them to satisfy themselves with that one book. I praise them for their great accomplishment and then encourage them to try and read a more challenging book
[12:28] Betty Questi: we must always challenge ourselves....this is how we grow
[12:28] You: George Washington has nothing on me.
[12:28] Betty Questi: Limits only hinder our growth
[12:28] CoachJoe Vita: Haha
[12:28] Betty Questi: Hahah oh Ben
[12:28] CoachJoe Vita: Ok, so a leader must always keep growing
[12:28] You: Plus he is only on the one dollar bill... I am a hundred times better than him.
[12:28] CoachJoe Vita: but isn't also important that leaders affect other people
[12:28] CoachJoe Vita: whether directly or indirectly
[12:28] Jessica8 Iwish: I've had many serious illnesses that could have limited my growth as a leader but I chose to rise above those obstacles
[12:29] You: Exactly Jessica.
[12:29] Betty Questi: Very good, Jessica
[12:29] Betty Questi: I admire your strenth
[12:29] You: A leader uses obstacles to only grow, to get better, to become a better leader.[12:29] Jessica8 Iwish: Thank Yoy
[12:29] Jessica8 Iwish: You
[12:29] Betty Questi: your welcome
[12:29] Betty Questi: yes i agree
[12:29] You: That is a sign of a true leader, overcoming obstacles.
[12:30] Betty Questi: I think challenges or obstacles make you grow more than victories
[12:30] Jessica8 Iwish: I think so too
[12:30] CoachJoe Vita: Not to belittle the fact that growth is important in being a leader
[12:30] You: I was one of 17 kids, the son of a candlemaker.
[12:30] CoachJoe Vita: but i think we are stressing that factor too much
[12:30] Betty Questi: wow, 16 sibblings[12:30] You: Well some of them died.
[12:30] CoachJoe Vita: i think what is more important that growth the way we actually interact with other people
[12:30] CoachJoe Vita: the way other people see us
[12:30] Betty Questi: Yes lets explore some other facets to a leader
[12:30] CoachJoe Vita: if we cannot get through to the people, we cannot lead them
[12:31] You: Yes, coach Joe. Communication is key to leadership.
[12:31] Jessica8 Iwish: Exactly. Leaders need to able to relate to people
[12:31] CoachJoe Vita: I believe i am an effective leader mostly because i am about to connect on a personal level with people
[12:31] CoachJoe Vita: i am able to
[12:31] You: How do you connect?
[12:31] CoachJoe Vita: i become a mentor, a best friend, before i am a coach or teacher
[12:31] Jessica8 Iwish: I plan to be a social worker and communication is the basis of my career
[12:31] CoachJoe Vita: i offer advice and guidance
[12:32] CoachJoe Vita: but more importantly
[12:32] CoachJoe Vita: support
[12:32] CoachJoe Vita: in a time of need
[12:32] You: Well, in my day, communication wasn't as simple. Afterall we didn't have technology, much less electricity, till I came along.
[12:32] CoachJoe Vita: i am in the business of changing the futures of our teenagers
[12:32] You: So communication was even more about personal connections.
[12:32] CoachJoe Vita: and i judge my success on whether or not they leave school with the right state of mind
[12:33] You: I built relationships through personal communication. I had ongoing conversations with many people through letters, which did I mention I was the first PostMaster, creating the post office.
[12:33] You: And when I ran the post office, it was faster than your "email."
[12:33] You: Afterall, email didn't exist.
[12:33] Betty Questi: I developed relationships through teaching my students how to read
[12:34] Jessica8 Iwish: I talk to abused children practically everyday, I offer advice and support. I just try to listen and help them in any way I can
[12:34] You: Listening is key, as you mentioned Jessica.[12:35] Betty Questi: I think being able to listen to others is a very important attribute to being a leader
[12:35] You: While I was on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, I had to listen to Jefferson babble all the time... That dreamer.
[12:35] Jessica8 Iwish: It is an important quality of a leader
[12:35] You: But while I jest about him, I listened.
[12:36] You: Even though he was much younger than me, I was able to realize his wisdom could help me grow.
[12:36] You: So I listened. And I grew, even so late in my life.
[12:36] Jessica8 Iwish: We can all learn from other people
[12:37] You: I wasn't stubborn, and didn't refuse to listen to Jefferson just because he was young. I listened, and grew. Why? Because that is a true sign of leadership.
[12:37] You: Did I mention that Beer is proof that God loves us?
[12:38] CoachJoe Vita: Therefore, I conclude a leader is someone who is able to adapt and listen to others. He/she is also a very good communicator and is able to relate with people. He/she is someone other people naturally choose to follow.
[12:38] CoachJoe Vita: Nice talking to you all.
[12:38] Betty Questi: As a teacher, I think it so important to not only teach my students their subjects of math, literature, science and history, but to open their eyes to the power of learning
[12:38] You: Well this was enjoyable. It was like the Continentat Congress, but air conditioned.
Second Conversation
[12:41] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Oh my old, aching bones.
[12:42] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: How is everyone feeling today?
[12:42] Jessica8 Iwish: pretty good. just a little stressed
[12:42] You: Me too.
[12:42] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Stress is a pain.
[12:42] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: I often see people stressed because they feel discriminated againsts.[12:42] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Due to the immense diversity in the world.
[12:43] Jessica8 Iwish: That is true
[12:43] You: Yes, however, diversity is a very good thing.
[12:43] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Diversity is a great thing and allows us to learn a lot, but how is it related to leadership
[12:43] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: ?
[12:43] Jessica8 Iwish: Diversity is all around us and as leaders we have to accept it and embrace it
[12:44] You: Although we may have been discriminated against in the past for our differences, as leadrs we must move pasts that discrimination.
[12:44] You: Do not be a slave to your own past.
[12:44] Jessica8 Iwish: Exactly
[12:44] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: If I may ask, where are you two from?
[12:44] You: I am from Boston. I was brought up by my father, who was a Unitarian minister.
[12:44] Jessica8 Iwish: I am from Dallas
[12:45] Jessica8 Iwish: I am a student at the University of Texas at Arlington
[12:45] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: So a southerner and a Yank, heh.
[12:45] Jessica8 Iwish: yes sir
[12:45] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: There is much diversity between those that live simply on opposite ends of the same country.
[12:45] You: Yes there is, but we are all connected.
[12:46] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: I came to the United States in the 1950s from Japan, having escaped during World War II.
[12:46] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: My father and grandfather were killed during the war.
[12:46] Jessica8 Iwish: Too bad everyone doesn't think that way
[12:46] Jessica8 Iwish: oh really. I'm sorry to hear that.
[12:46] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Being a Japanese in U.S. was a hard thing in those days.
[12:46] Jessica8 Iwish: I bet
[12:46] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: And it took a lot of effort to succeed.
[12:47] Jessica8 Iwish: Many people have tried to put me down but we just have to learn to rise above all that
[12:48] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: How have you risen above?
[12:48] You: A lot of people are ust misunderstood. Ant because of that they are discriminated against.
[12:48] Jessica8 Iwish: I have a disability and people tried to make me think that I could never be successful in college but I proved them wrong
[12:49] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: You must stand out and be a leader in your community.
[12:49] You: Thats really good. I bet you were just misunderstood by those around you.
[12:49] You: But I think that to be great is to be misunderstood.
[12:49] Jessica8 Iwish: I have learned not to judge other people and just accept them for they are
[12:50] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: That is one of the problems of diversity.
[12:50] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Is people judge what they do not understand.
[12:50] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: So it takes a leader to be above that an be able to unite different groups.
[12:50] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: be it race, religions, or whatever.
[12:50] You: I thin kpeoplee just need to understand that others' pasts do not make them who they are.
[12:50] Jessica8 Iwish: I have had a lot people not wanting to be around me just because of my disability
[12:50] You: what lies behind us and what lies before us is nothing compared to what lies WITHIN us.
[12:51] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: that was deep.
[12:51] You: Thanks Yukio. I try.
[12:51] Jessica8 Iwish: haha
[12:51] You: I think that to be a leader, we must not only accept diversity, but celebrate it
[12:51] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Anyways, I was the headmaster of a classical japanese martial school
[12:52] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: My students are an incedibly diverse range of people.
[12:52] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: To be able to lead them and be able to continue wat was given to me by my family was immensely difficult.
[12:52] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: The Japanese told me I couldn't do what i was doing. It was ridiculous to come to America and teach Americans!
[12:53] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: But I continued to do so because i believe the arts were dying in Japan, had turned to just pretty dancing, and the Americans were more zealous students.
[12:53] You: That is very inspirational Yukio.
[12:53] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: It has brought together people from all walks of life.
[12:53] You: We must not go where the path may lead. We must go where there is no path and leave a trail.
[12:54] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: A trail is something I think everyone wants.
[12:54] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Many people fear death, but to be remembered is to be immortal.
[12:54] Jessica8 Iwish: Since I am working as a social worker, I have seen a large group of diverse families but most of them have the same problems. We all need to learn that we all have something in common
[12:55] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, we really do.
[12:55] You: Yes, we must all strive to be ourselves in this world and not let our differences stifle our uniqueness.
[12:55] You: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishme
[12:55] Jessica8 Iwish: We have to look beyond the exterior
[12:55] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, absolutely.
[12:56] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: sadly though, I dont feel like racism and ignorance is something that can ever be fixed
[12:56] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: For as long as there are different types of people, there will exist stereotypes and prejudices.
[12:56] Jessica8 Iwish: I don't think so either
[12:56] You: But that cannot be an excuse for not succeeding.
[12:56] You: Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
[12:58] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, I am a big believer in affecting and helping those directly around you and hope they continue that. The whole "pay it forward" idea.
[12:59] Jessica8 Iwish: As leaders, we hope to make an impact on other people an hopefully they will make the same impact on others
[12:59] You: Yes, and me must think outside the box in order to inspire other people. We have to not be consistent in our ideas.
[12:59] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Consistency can be a good thing, Ralph.
[12:59] You: Like I always say, foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds
[12:59] Jessica8 Iwish: Yes broaden our horizens
[13:00] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Foolish consistency is the key word though.
[13:00] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Foolish, rather.
[13:00] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: It is hard to be consistent in your ideas sometimes though when we, as humans, are always changing.
[13:00] You: Yes, but always thinking the same was is foolish. We cannot be leaders if we have nowhere new to lead people to.
[13:01] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Thats right.
[13:01] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: And as we grow we must adapt and modify our ideas.
[13:01] You: Yes it is, but as diversity increases, as leaders we must also change with the times.
[13:01] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, this was a big part of my life.
[13:01] Jessica8 Iwish: Adapting is an important quality of a leader[13:01] You: We must always reemember though, on the spiritual level, we are all the same, god is immanent in us all/
[13:02] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: The martial arts in japan and their leaders were dying because there was no vitality, no life, in the arts because they were no longer being used. The techniques were becoming practiced poorly and watered down. I made sure that did NOT happen with my style.
[13:02] Jessica8 Iwish: Yes nobody will follow you if don't have new, exciting ideas
[13:03] You: that is true. we must lead people in directions they are not used to.
[13:03] You: Heroism works in contradiction to the voice of mankind.
[13:03] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Sometimes you must revisit old directions though.
[13:03] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: So old they are new.
[13:04] You: Yes, we must learn from people in the past.
[13:04] You: I am inspired by Plato, Goethe, and Buddha.
[13:05] Jessica8 Iwish: We must all learn from our mistakes and others so that they are not repeated
[13:05] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, we must.
[13:05] Betty Questi shouts: Very nice, Shakespeare![13:05] Jessica8 Iwish: Improving on ourselves is another important attribute of a leader
[13:06] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: It is a pity that the level of ignorance surrounding different types of people, though, is still so great.
[13:06] You: yes it is, that is why my friends and I have been working to explore all types of new ideas, and share them with everyone around us through lectures, newspapers, and essays!
[13:07] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: I think the key for the next generations is for leaders to be able to unique different groups, social, religious, economic, and more, and be able to show people what we have in common.
[13:07] Jessica8 Iwish: Yes communication is the key.
[13:07] Jessica8 Iwish: We must enlighten others so that they don't become ignorant on diversity
[13:08] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, communication is crucial.
[13:08] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: (Irony in the silence).
[13:08] Jessica8 Iwish: haha
[13:09] You: haha. yes, i think that People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character
[13:10] Yukiyoshi Takaaki: Yes, this is a very accurate and telling statement.
[13:11] Jessica8 Iwish: We just all need to interact with others and unite
[13:11] You: Yes, and we need to keep growing and learning from other people
[13:11] Jessica8 Iwish: We will be stronger that way
[13:11] You: Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow